
We looked at the simplifier in this section, but let’s check out the things we need to do.

The evaluator can’t evaluate something like 1 + a + 2 because the tree will look like this:

    graph TD;
        subgraph 1a_2["(1 + a) + 2"]

        add(+) --> add2(add)
        add2 --> one(1);
        add2 --> a(a);
        add --> two(2);

First it’ll go to the root add, but since it can’t evaluate that it recurses and goes into the left add. The left add will just be the same once it gets evaluated since a number and a variable can’t be added. evaluate() (or evaluateNumExp() in our case), the function passed in to evaluateRecurse(), won’t call the add function, it’ll just return the tree since the left isn’t a leaf.

But, addition is commutative. The result should be a + 3. That’s what the simplifier does. It takes all the add and sub expressions, brings them to the same level, adds all of them up, and returns the new tree.

We need to make each cycle of the recursion return a list. The list will have all the branches that need to be added. For example, an expression like a + b + c - a should be transformed to [a, b, c, -a]. Of course, we’re dealing with trees here so we won’t have [a, b...], but instead each of the elements inside will be leaves.

In each cycle, we need to do these things:

  1. Evaluate the branch/es of the tree.
  2. If the tree’s _tag is add or sub, we need to combine the two lists.
  3. If it’s not, we need to make a new tree with the new left and right.

We can use switch() again:

function simplifyRecurse(tree: Expression<number>): Expression<number>[] {
    switch(tree._tag) {
        case "add":
        case "sub":
            const newLeft = simplifyRecurse(tree.left);
            const newRight = simplifyRecurse(tree.right);

            return [...newLeft, newRight]
        case "mul":
        case "div":
            const newLeft = simplifyRecurse(tree.left);
            const newRight = simplifyRecurse(tree.right);

            // create a new tree
        case "neg":
        case "group":
            const newVal = simplifyRecurse(tree.val);

            // create a new tree
            return [tree];

This is good, but we still need to add the part that actually simplifies the list. Right now, this function just creates a list using the tree.

Let’s write a new function to simplify the list. It will take in a list of trees and return a tree. There are a few things we need to do in this function:

  1. Separate the numbers and variables
  2. Add all of the numbers
  3. Put the sum of the numbers into the list of variables
  4. Create a new tree by using reduce() on the new list

First up, adding the numbers:

function addExpressionList(list: Expression<number>[]): Expression<number> {
    const numbers = list.filter((e) => e._tag === "leaf" && e.val._tag === "val");
    const notNumbers = list.filter((e) => !(e._tag === "leaf" && e.val._tag === "val"));

    const added = numbers.reduce(
        (p, c) => p + c.val.val, 0

    const newList = [notNumbers, ...numbers];

Nice! Instead of creating the tree in addExpressionList, let’s make another function for that. It’ll be much cleaner then.

function convertAddListToExpression(list: Expression<number>[]): Expression<number> {
    if(list.length === 0) {
        return makeLeaf(0);

    return list.reduce(
        (p, c) => {
            return {
                _tag: "add",
                left: p,
                right: c

Now we can call this in addExpressionList like so:

function addExpressionList(list: Expression<number>[]): Expression<number> {
    const numbers = list.filter((e) => e._tag === "leaf" && e.val._tag === "val");
    const notNumbers = list.filter((e) => !(e._tag === "leaf" && e.val._tag === "val"));

    const added = numbers.reduce(
        (p, c) => p + c.val.val, 0

    const newList = [notNumbers, ...numbers];

    return convertAddListToExpression(newList);

Perfect! Time to call this in simplifyRecurse. Since we’re turning the result we get from simplifying the branch/es to a tree, we can use it to create the new tree we couldn’t make before:

function simplifyRecurse(tree: Expression<number>): Expression<number>[] {
    switch(tree._tag) {
        case "add":
        case "sub":
            const newLeft = simplifyRecurse(tree.left);
            const newRight = simplifyRecurse(tree.right);

            return [...newLeft, newRight]
        case "mul":
        case "div":
            const newLeft = addExpressionList(simplifyRecurse(tree.left));
            const newRight = addExpressionList(simplifyRecurse(tree.right));

            return {
                _tag: tree._tag,
                left: newLeft,
                right: newRight
        case "neg":
        case "group":
            const newVal = addExpressionList(simplifyRecurse(tree.val));

            return {
                _tag: tree._tag,
                val: newVal
            return [tree];

Everything is looking good so far, but there’s just another thing we need to add: Subtraction. addExpressionList doesn’t subtract anything right now, it only adds. Instead of fixing that in addExpressionList, lets fix it in simplifyRecurse. Right now, we send in tree.right even if the _tag is sub:

function simplifyRecurse(tree: Expression<number>): Expression<number>[] {
    switch(tree._tag) {
        case "add":
        case "sub":
            const newLeft = simplifyRecurse(tree.left);
            const newRight = simplifyRecurse(tree.right); // <--

            return [...newLeft, newRight];

If we negated tree.right, addExpressionList and convertAddListToExpression will remain relatively unchanged, since the only thing they need to do is subtract whenever the _tag is neg.

function simplifyRecurse(tree: Expression<number>): Expression<number>[] {
    switch(tree._tag) {
        case "add":
        case "sub":
            const newLeft = simplifyRecurse(tree.left);
            const newRight = simplifyRecurse(
                tree._tag === "sub"
                    ? {_tag: "neg", val: tree.right}
                    : tree.right

            return [...newLeft, newRight];

And now to update convertAddListToExpression:

function convertAddListToExpression(list: Expression<number>[]): Expression<number> {
    if(list.length === 0) {
        return makeLeaf(0);

    return list.reduce(
        (p, c) => {
            if(c._tag === "neg") {
                return {
                    _tag: "sub",
                    left: p,
                    right: c
            if(p._tag === "neg") {
                return {
                    _tag: "sub",
                    left: c,
                    right: p

            return {
                _tag: "add",
                left: p,
                right: c

Finally, addExpressionList. This one is a little bit more complicated because of the filter()s:

function addExpressionList(list: Expression<number>[]): Expression<number> {
    const numbers = list.filter((e) => e._tag === "leaf" && e.val._tag === "val"); // <--
    const notNumbers = list.filter((e) => !(e._tag === "leaf" && e.val._tag === "val")); // <--

    const added = numbers.reduce(
        (p, c) => p + c.val.val, 0


In addition to checking if the tree is a leaf and val, we also need to check if the tree is a neg. And, we have to account for the negatives when adding as well. Let’s start with the filters:

function addExpressionList(list: Expression<number>[]): Expression<number> {
    const numbers = list.filter(
        (e) => (e._tag === "leaf" && e.val._tag === "val")
            || (e._tag === "neg" && e.val._tag === "tree" && e.val.val._tag === "val")
    const notNumbers = list.filter(
        (e) => !(e._tag === "leaf" && e.val._tag === "val")
            && !(e._tag === "neg" && e.val._tag === "tree" && e.val.val._tag === "val")


It’s a little hard to read, but it makes sense! Moving on to adding the numbers:

function addExpressionList(list: Expression<number>[]): Expression<number> {
    const numbers = list.filter(
        (e) => (e._tag === "leaf" && e.val._tag === "val")
            || (e._tag === "neg" && e.val._tag === "tree" && e.val.val._tag === "val")
    const notNumbers = list.filter(
        (e) => !(e._tag === "leaf" && e.val._tag === "val")
            && !(e._tag === "neg" && e.val._tag === "tree" && e.val.val._tag === "val")

    const added = numbers.reduce(
        (p, c) => {
            if(c._tag === "neg") {
                return p + c.val.val.val;
                // neg -> leaf -> valLeaf -> actual number
            return p + c.val.val; 
            // leaf -> valLeaf -> actual number
        }, 0

Everything works, but there’s one more things we can do for efficiency. Right now, we’re filtering out the number and reducing them. We can just do those with just one reduce() instead:

function addExpressionList(list: Expression<number>[]): Expression<number> {
    const added: number = list.reduce(
        (p: number, c: Expression<number>) => {
                c._tag === "neg" && c.val._tag === "leaf" && c.val.val._tag === "val"
            ) {
                return p + c.val.val.val;

            if (
                c._tag === "leaf" && c.val._tag === "val"
            ) {
                return p + c.val.val;

            return p;
        }, 0

Awesome! We could stop here, but let’s add one more thing to spice it up. Right now, the variables just stay the same, but an expression like a - a should be simplified into 0. Let’s take care of that:

function addExpressionList(list: Expression<number>[]): Expression<number> {
    const added: number = list.reduce(
        (p: number, c: Expression<number>) => {
                c._tag === "neg" && c.val._tag === "leaf" && c.val.val._tag === "val"
            ) {
                return p + c.val.val.val;

            if (
                c._tag === "leaf" && c.val._tag === "val"
            ) {
                return p + c.val.val;

            return p;
        }, 0

    const variablesSimplified = list.reduce(
        (p: Expression<number>[], c: Expression<number>) => {
                (c._tag === "neg" && c.val._tag === "leaf" && c.val.val._tag === "val")
                || (c._tag === "leaf" && c.val._tag === "val")
            ) {
                return p;

            if(c._tag === "neg") {
                const idx = p.findIndex((e) => isEqual(e, c.val));

                if(idx !== -1) {
                    const r = idx === 0 
                        ? p.slice(1)
                        : [...p.slice(0, idx), ...p.slice(idx + 1)];
                    return r;

            const idx = p.findIndex((e) => e._tag === "neg" && isEqual(e.val, c));

            if(idx !== -1) {
                return idx === 0
                    ? p.slice(1)
                    : [...p.slice(0, idx), ...p.slice(idx + 1)]

            return [...p, c]
        }, []

    return convertAddListToExpression([
        ...variablesSimplified.length === 0 ? [] : variablesSimplified, 
        ...added === 0 ? [] : [makeLeaf(added)]

The isEqual() function is from Lodash.

It’s a little bit complicated, so here’s what it does step-by-step:

  1. It checks if the tree is a number (what it did in the filtering)
    • If it is, it just returns the previous value
    • Otherwise,
  2. It checks if the current value is neg
    • If it is, it checks if the previous value has an expression which is equal to the current value without the negation

      • If the previous value has it, it removes that element and returns
      • Otherwise,
    • Check if the previous value has an element which is the negation of the current value

      • If yes, it removes that element and returns
      • Otherwise, it adds the current value to the previous value and returns

It’s still complicated, but all it does is remove any two values which add up to 0.

We’re done with, not just the simplifier, but everything! Awesome!

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